Public Safety
CommandPost® is leading the way in crisis, emergency and incident management. Ensure that your agency / organisation is equipped to respond to any situation as it unfolds. More About Us Contact Us
Disaster Recovery Relief & Response CommandPost® is cloud-based, allowing you to establish and manage a coordination centre with limited infrastructure and from anywhere in the world. More About Us Contact us Incident Control for Major Events CommandPost® offers a turn-key solution that fulfils event control, incident command and emergency response. Ensure that your event is managed safely, efficiently, and effectively. More About Us Contact Us Assets & Resource Tracking Have greater understanding of assets & resourcing with real-time tracking, analytics and reporting. Identify inefficiencies and take control of your organisation's daily operation. More About Us Contact Us Collaboration & Coordination Share, collaborate and discuss in real-time with multiple agencies, landowners and stakeholders to ensure a coordinated response. More About Us Contact Us

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    Situational Awareness &
    Real-Time Collaboration.

    CommandPost® is a cloud-based real-time crisis, emergency, and incident management solution, built to save lives and to reduce business disruption. The platform has taken functionality utilised by emergency services and first responders to offer a centralised platform that can be fully customised and applied to various industries.

    The suite of tools available to organisations is designed to allow control rooms and ground units / personnel the ability to prioritise incidents, visualise situations, enhance understanding and collaborate in real-time with relevant agencies and stakeholders.

    The implementation of CommandPost® provides a real-time overview of a situation as it evolves as well as a full chronology of what took place. This not only streamlines responses, but also allows you to maintain in-depth reporting records that protect your organisation during a public inquiry and that further supports development of robust risk controls.

    Quick Response & Resolution to Incidents

    Improve Efficiency And Respond To Incidents Quicker Than Ever Before.

    CommandPost® is fully customisable, meeting the needs of any control centre, no matter the industry. Gain access to the latest tools, utilised by emergency services from across the globe, to streamline planning, coordination, dispatch and response.

    Incident / Hazard Reporting & Collaboration

    Escalate, collaborate and initiate a coordinated response to resolve an incident or hazard.

    Asset & Resource Tracking

    Track your assets and personnel in real-time to quickly locate, communicate or dispatch to an active incident or hazard.

    Tasks & Checklists Management

    Create, assign and schedule tasks and checklists to receive instant notification of duties for accurate reporting or auditing.

    Training & Assessment Modules

    Create and track assessment-based e-learning training / inductions, required for completion before works, for personnel or contractors.

    Feel free to contact us, or you can call us any time (02) 8806 0406

    CommandPost has the capability to integrate with existing systems to ensure a centralised workflow. Get in touch to see what is possible and how we can assist with improving the efficiency of your control room/operations.

      Request Demo

      Looking to see how CommandPost can support your agency / company? Connect with one of our specialists who is familiar with your industry for an online demo.

      A Turn-Key Solution to the Planning & Coordination of your Control Room

      CommandPost® Solutions


      CommandPost® Access

      Access the latest tools, utilised by emergency services, for incident, crisis and hazard identification, logging and response. Custom developed for multiple industries to collaborate in real-time and to have situational awareness.
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      Control Centre Planning

      Receive expert advice for the successful planning, implementation and coordination of a control room; ensuring your agency or organisation is equipped to quickly identify and respond to incidents & hazards.
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      GIS Mapping

      Tap into mapping services in order to transform site plans and geographical data into digital-interactive maps right inside of CommandPost®. Combine plans with real-time data, resources, assets and vehicle tracking tools.
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      Have a new perspective of your operation.

      See the bigger picture.

      CommandPost® provides a different perspective with detailed incident logs, real-time data, asset tracking, resourcing positioning, analytics and reporting.

      Dynamic Field Controls

      Build incident, hazard and Public-Safety-Answering-Point (PSAP) fields, with automated workflows, that are tailored for your agency / organisation requirements.

      In-Depth Reporting & Analytics

      Generate real-time reports and analytics, using custom data points, specific to your agency / organisation, to gain a greater understanding of what is happening.

      Reliability & Compliance

      CommandPost is hosted with Amazon Web Services (AWS), with data hosted within the local region. Amazon Web Service's ecosystem and data transfers over HTTPS/TLS guarantees high security.


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